Make AI your Superpower

We Build AI Software for Innovative Startups and SMBs

Get Started

AI is changing how we do Business

  • Launch a product Icon

    Launch a product

    Enable your team to focus on what matters most. Increase efficiency, delight your customers.

  • Automate tasks Icon

    Automate your business

    There is no need to waste time on repetitive tasks! AI can do them for you.

  • Generate new revenue stream icon

    Generate new revenue stream

    Train models on a wealth of domain knowledge to maximize your platform's potential.

Our Mission

To pioneer AI-powered solutions that enables the world's most innovative companies.

Our Approach

How does Linkt tackle problems and provide solutions for clients?

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    Identify Problems and Inefficiencies

    At Linkt, our approach is rooted in a commitment to solve real problems. We believe understanding our customers' needs is the first step in creating value. We work closely with our customers to identify problems and inefficiencies in their platforms. This allows us to build AI models that are tailored to their specific needs, ensuring that our products are not only innovative but also aligned with the real-world needs.

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    Data Quality Above All Else

    In steering the course of our product development, Linkt prioritizes data-driven decision-making processes. AI models are only as good as the data used to train them. Just as a Michelin star restaurant has to start their day by ordering the best ingredients, we build each model using high quality data. This meticulous approach allows us to iterate with precision, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction continually.

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    Secure/Safety Focused

    Central to Linkt's mission is the responsible cultivation of Ethical AI. In an industry where data is as sensitive as it is powerful, we uphold the highest standards of data integrity and privacy. Our AI models are rigorously designed to eliminate biases and promote fairness, ensuring that the transformative potential of AI in education is realized ethically and equitably. It's not just about what AI can do; it's about ensuring it's done right.

Our Philosophy

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    Customized AI Models

    While Artificial Intelligence is still in a nascent stage, we know that the 'one size fits all' approach won't work. We design each model from the ground up, to ensure that you are receiving the best possible model for your use case.

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    Ethics First Focus

    As the world of AI continues to rapidly grow, the importance of ethical building practices are becoming more apparent. We strive not only to follow industry best practices, but to also question the ethical implications of every feature we build into our models.

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    Value Creation

    The goal of Linkt is to delight and enable our customers to do things they never thought possible. We are committed to creating value for our customers, and we will work tirelessly to ensure that our products are doing just that.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much does Linkt charge?

  • How does Linkt ensure the effectiveness of its AI models?

  • What is the development process for implementing AI solutions with Linkt?

Unlock the Future

Schedule a call with our team today and take your first step into the future of technology.